UFOs existence is still debatable. Many believe that UFOs are spacecraft from the planet's alien beings, who 'travel' to the earth. Some of the more 'rational' to believe that UFO's just fantasy.This becomes the iinteresting information and unique story
So far a lot of records (and records) concerning the presence of unidentified flying objects. And the latest, released the Russian Navy (Russian Navy), contains a long report about the activities of a number of unidentified flying objects. And tentative conclusions, unidentified flying object (UFO) was like the sea.
UFO in ocean
As reported by russiatoday, about 50 percent of UFO sightings related to the ocean. And another 15 percent related to the lake. That is, UFOs apparently very large interest in the ocean.
Unidentified objects are usually seen by the Russian navy operating in the Bahamas, and in the famous Bermuda Triangle area. Also in the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Also detected the presence of UFOs in Lake Baikal. Some fishermen said she saw a bright light from the bottom of the lake, and the emergence of a number of objects flying from the surface of the lake.
Some military divers had seen the human-shaped objects in silver dress 50 meters depth in Lake Baikal. Three of the seven divers have died in that encounter, and the four remaining injuries.
The question is, did this report?
Dunno. Can ya, can not.
But if the report was valid, meaning that UFOs are often visited the earth. They were very interested in the ocean. In fact it is not impossible memdirikan they have a kind of 'base' at the bottom of the sea or lake bottom.
December 10, 2009
UFO liked the ocean?

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